One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

For the Cedarville University Department of Music and Worship in the School of Arts and Humanities, Bach’s famous phrase “Soli Deo Gloria” (for the glory of God alone) is more than a slogan — it is the mission that drives all we do. We truly believe that our music and worship degree programs honor the Master Creator through our shared creativity.

Music and Worship

Cedarville's music and worship programs build a strong artistic, intellectual, and practical foundation for professional careers and graduate studies.

Christmas Concert

Tour Bolthouse Center for Music Semester Events Accelerated Graduate Pathways
  • Dec 6

    Composition Recital

    Cedarville composition majors and fellow students will share performances of their work. This recital is free and open to the public.
  • Dec 7

    Sophomore Piano Recital

    Emma Keysor and Maria Lindskog present a sophomore piano recital. This event is free and open to the public.
  • Dec 8

    Community Christmas Concert

    Set aside time to relax and enjoy Cedarville University's musical gift to you with a musical celebration of our Savior's birth! The annual Community Christmas Celebration features the sights and sounds of the University's excellent choral and instrumental ensembles which includes the University Jazz Band, Orchestra, Concert Chorale, Women's Choir, Jubilate, and special performances by Cedarville University music faculty and other small ensembles. Open to the community, area churches, alumni, friends, and the University family, this complimentary event is our gift to you! No tickets are required (and reservations are not accepted). Doors open at 5:30. Live-stream at Campus Facilities Dixon Ministry Center Chapel [Tour] Campus Contact Information Mrs. Jennifer Thomas Administrative Assistant - Music & Worship 937-766-2211 Send an Email
  • Feb 10


    Night of Worship led by Rekindle
  • Feb 13

    Music Showcase 2025

    Music Showcase at Cedarville University attracts select high school musicians to campus each year. Directed by the outstanding Cedarville music professors, students experience the rehearsal and recital halls of the Dixon Ministry Center, while learning challenging literature. Music Showcase check-in begins on Thursday, February 13. On Friday night, the University ensembles will perform at 7pm in the Jeremiah Chapel, and the weekend culminates with the Honor Concert at 1 p.m. on Saturday, February 15 in the Jeremiah Chapel. Chet Jenkins will conduct the Honor Band and Dr. Lyle Anderson will direct the Honor Choir. These men will challenge students to develop their musical talents for the glory of God.
  • Feb 16

    Opera Intermezzo

    Cedarville University vocalists will present a selection of songs and arias from various operas. This event is free and open to the public.
  • Feb 17

    Bach's Lunch Concert

    Join us for a Bach's Lunch Concert featuring CU music majors. Please feel free to bring your lunch and water only to drink. Free and open to the public.
  • Feb 17


    Night of Worship led by Rekindle