One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

Discover College Courses With a Biblical Worldview

At Cedarville, you will find an intentional commitment to biblical truth woven through every course. Discover how Dual Enrollment courses can give you a head start academically while growing you both personally and spiritually. You'll work closely with an academic advisor who cares about your goals and is here to serve you throughout the entire process!

Course Details

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Save time and money with curated pathways to early degree completion. Accelerated Pathways guide you through which courses you should take now to get a head start on your degree.

Online Course List

Ohio residents can take College Credit Plus (CCP)-eligible courses for free!
SU, FA, SP indicates whether courses are offered in the Summer, Fall, and/or Spring.


Note: Scroll horizontally to view additional details.

CourseRequirementsCredit HoursCCP EligibleSUFASP
BTGE-1725 Bible and the Gospel 3No
BTGE-2730 Old Testament LiteraturePrerequisite:
BTGE-2740 New Testament LiteraturePrerequisite:
BTGE-3755 Theology IPrerequisite:

Business and Communication

Note: Scroll horizontally to view additional details.

CourseRequirementsCredit HoursCCP EligibleSUFASP
BUS-2150 Statistics for BusinessPrerequisite:
COM-1100 Fundamentals of Speech

ECON-2110 Essentials of Economics 3Yes
FIN-1710 Personal Finance 3Yes
ITM-1510 Software Tools-Business$10 fee2Yes


Note: Scroll horizontally to view additional details.

CourseRequirementsCredit HoursCCP EligibleSUFASP
CY-1000 Intro to Cybersecurity 3Yes


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CourseRequirementsCredit HoursCCP EligibleSUFASP
EGME-1810 Engineering Graphics 1Yes

English and Literature

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CourseRequirementsCredit HoursCCP EligibleSUFASP
ENG-1400 CompositionTest Scores3Yes

LIT-2300 Introduction to LiteraturePrerequisite:
LIT-2340 Western LiteraturePrerequisite:

Health and Wellness

Note: Scroll horizontally to view additional details.

CourseRequirementsCredit HoursCCP EligibleSUFASP
PEF-1990 Physical Activity and Healthy Living


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CourseRequirementsCredit HoursCCP EligibleSUFASP
HUM-1400 Introduction to Humanities$75 Fee3No
HUM-2340 Enjoyment of Music 3Yes


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CourseRequirementsCredit HoursCCP EligibleSUFASP
NSG-1000 Member of Nursing Profession$150 fee; High School Seniors Only2Yes
NSG-1050 Health Promotion and Wellness$150 fee; Prerequisite:

Science and Mathematics

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CourseRequirementsCredit HoursCCP EligibleSUFASP
GBIO-1000 Principles of Biology 3.5Yes
GSCI-1010 Principles of Earth Science$75 fee3.5Yes
GMTH-1010 Introduction to MathematicsTest Scores3Yes 
GMTH-1020 College AlgebraTest Scores3Yes
GMTH-1030 PrecalculusPrerequisite:
BUS-2150 Statistics for BusinessPrerequisite:
PYCH-2610 StatisticsTest Scores3Yes

Social Science and History

Note: Scroll horizontally to view additional details.

CourseCredit HoursCCP EligibleSUFASP
ANTH-1800 Cultural Anthropology3Yes
GSS-1100 Politics and American Culture3Yes
HIST-1110 U.S. History to 18773Yes 
HIST-1120 U.S. History Since 18773Yes 
PYCH-1600 General Psychology3Yes
PYCH-1800 Cross-Cultural Psychology3Yes
SOC-1300 Introduction to Sociology

How to Register for Courses

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1. Apply and Get Accepted*

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3. Register Through Your Advisor**

*Returning students do not need to re-apply.
**Contact Dual Enrollment Advising if you are unsure of who your advisor is.

Course Formats


Our most popular course format, offered in the summer, fall, and spring, online dual enrollment courses are convenient and let you work independently. Weekly assignments are due, but there are no live lectures.

On Campus

Local students may enroll in classes on Cedarville's campus, but keep in mind that seating is limited. View course schedule for details about each course's capacity. Contact your Dual Enrollment advisor to register for on-campus courses.

Summer Scholars

Summer Scholars is a two-week, residential Dual Enrollment experience. You will complete one 3-credit hour course while enjoying campus life. Explore Summer Scholars

Course Requirements


Courses with prerequisites must be taken in sequence.

Test Scores

Admissions are test-optional, but students are required to meet proficiency requirements before enrolling in English and math courses. Dual Enrollment students can meet these by submitting test scores, taking the ACCUPLACER, or taking the ACT OnCampus.

Minimum test scores to demonstrate proficiency for these courses include:

 ENG-1400 CompositionMath Courses
ACTEnglish: 21Math: 19
SATReading/Writing: 550Quantitative: 530
CLTCombined Verbal/Grammar: 52Quantitative: 20
AccuplacerWritePlacer: 6Next Gen Exam for Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics: 250
CLEPCollege Composition: 59College Algebra: 53
TransferPlease contact if you have taken an English or math course at another college to learn if that course will meet proficiency requirements. You must earn a C- or higher to transfer a course to Cedarville.

CCP Requirements for Ohio Students

College Credit Plus students must complete 15 credit hours in Level 1 courses before enrolling in Level 2 courses. All online dual enrollment courses are Level 1 courses. Select on-campus courses qualify as Level 2 courses.

Transfer Credit

Will my credits transfer to Cedarville?

Cedarville accepts credit from courses taken at regionally accredited institutions, as long as the grade earned was C- or better. Contact for a credit evaluation.

Will my Cedarville credits transfer to another institution?

Should you decide to pursue undergraduate studies at another institution, you can feel confident that college credits earned at Cedarville are eligible to transfer to any other accredited institution of higher learning in the United States. Cedarville is fully accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. Please note that the college granting your degree will decide how your credits will count; transfer policies differ from one institution to another.

When planning to transfer credits, you should work closely with your Dual Enrollment advisor.

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